Embroidered Dino Pocket Tee

Hey everyone I hope you have had a great start to your week! I have been moving my content over to Blogger from Wordpress because I think it is going to work out better for me. My blog is mainly about DIY and anything to do with yarn so please check out the other posts that I have moved over as I continue to get this blog up in running. 
In the mean time, this is one of my favorite projects that I have done because it is so simple. I absolutely love anything with little dinos on it and so I decided to make something of my own. I am not the best at embroidery, but I thought I would give this little embroidered decal a go. Click this link to see my inspiration for this tee shirt. It was super easy to do and just requires a shirt, needle, 2 colors of embroidery thread and hoop.
First off, place the hoop around the section you are going to embroider and trace your outline on your shirt that you would like to use. I just used regular pen that I could wash out.
Next, just do a really simple stitch around the outline of your dino, go completely around in one color before switching to your second color. I just left knots inside the pockets as they won’t get disturbed in there.
Tie off all your strings inside the pocket and take off your embroidery hoop when you are all finished. I also decided to add a little yellow knot eye at the last minute. And that’s it! It was so easy and I think its so adorable.
I am excited that I was able to improve my embroidery skills a bit and now I have my very own dino pocket tee on a shirt that I was just planning to get rid of.
Let me know what you think and if you have any further embroidery tips or tricks for me. Thanks so much for reading!!
~ Hannah


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