Crochet Fox Basket

Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a nice week. So far mine is going very well as I continue on the hunt for a job. I really wanted to share a recent discovery for free crochet patterns, LoveCrochet. I have saved so many cute patterns on there that I am so excited to try out and I have found that the site is much easier to navigate than Ravelry. There is also a sister site, LoveKnitting which I haven’t looked into as much yet, but I will definitely let you know what I think. The first pattern that I have tried out today is the Foxy Stash Basket, which I just think is so adorable.
The pattern is written with the Sugar’ N cream yarn all the way through, but I was able to follow it with the other yarns I used.
This basket will be perfect for storing the projects I am currently working on or keeping my kitty’s toys in. It took me about a day to crochet and I am thinking about crocheting more versions with different animals since it is so quick to make. I am really happy with how it turned out.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for other animals I should try out. Thanks for reading!
– Hannah


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